Race Relations Commissioner – Antisemitism concerns

27 February 2022

Tēnā koutou, Shalom,

I hope this finds you and your families well.

I am writing to let you know how concerned I am by the recent examples of anti-semitisim and to let you know we stand in solidarity with you.  I have raised my concerns on social media and continue to advocate with Government officials to address hate speech.

I recognise that the comparisons drawn between the holocaust and the current situation in Wellington are out of line and disrespectful to those and their families who lived through and survived this horrific event.

The co-opting of language associated with the holocaust to further alt-right messaging is unacceptable and disrespectful.

We condemn all anti-Semitic language and behaviours and acknowledge how triggering seeing this type of messaging will be for members of the Jewish community.

Please let your community know my door is always open and I’m always willing to meet with people and listen.

Nga mihi,

Meng Foon

Race Relations Commissioner

New Zealand Human Rights Commission